Waiting for hot water to arrive from the water heater to the faucet or shower wastes valuable energy and resources. A typical single-family home wastes about 10 gallons of water a day.
Water conservation systems are designed to save both water and energy.
The ACT D'MAND System uses a circulation pump that supplies hot water on demand through a loop of copper plumbing tube situated no more than 10 feet away from any fixture where hot water is used.
The key to this system is to keep the volume of water in the branch lines as small as possible, which eliminates standing water that accumulates (and quickly cools) in the pipes when the hot water isn’t running.
By making the branch lines short, the waste and wait for hot water is diminished. In addition, all of the hot water lines, loops and branches included, are insulated. This means that hot water from the water heater still feels hot when it reaches the tap.
Although it’s not unusual for plumbers to install circulation pumps to improve home hotwater circulation, this system is unique in that the pump runs only when hot water is needed. This eliminates the wasted energy used by other systems, whose pumps run continuously
even when hot water isn’t needed.
The D'MAND pump is a small energy-efficient unit installed close to the home’s water heater. It’s activated on-demand by the homeowner using a switch or motion-sensing device located near each faucet. The pump quickly pushes heated water through the main circulation loop, where it stays hot for up to an hour. The ACT Inc. D'MAND system is available in configurations for both new and existing homes. Currently, the system costs around $500 to install and reduces water waste by up to 95%, cutting operational costs to a bare minimum.
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